Basically Im saying that the government should be secular. Just please, dont force it on us that dont. Yet you walk down the street or listen to the 18-24ish yr olds today and they are complaining about having to work more than 6 hours at a decently paying job. As a result of the increase in drug demand more drug dealers and gangs formed. It tells students that they are more than just a collection of chemicals and energy that happen to be occupying space and time. 7 Serious violent incidents include rape or attempted rape, sexual assault other than rape, physical attacks or fights with a weapon, threat of physical attacks with a weapon, and robbery with or without a weapon. Other nations hold other religions sacred and smaller sects just tolerate it. This is awful. Never before in American history have Christians been hated for following Jesus Christ as they are today. 11 U.S. total data are representative of all public and private school students in grades 912 in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Why cant we bring God back into our Schools and everywhere else, it is a smack in HIS face for what our ancestors or parents did, why should my children and grand children suffer for their stupid decisions. Are you happy with that? You people are running on a one track mind if you believe so. No only a true God can do that & He did when He raised Jesus from the dead. Id love to hear how the church is involved in speaking up for justice,acting with mercy, feeding the homeless, caring for the fatherless, working on sheltering the mentally ill, stopping human trafficking etc. by Thomas Jefferson to a group The devil is busy and hes targeting us, the youth, and the future. I know first hand that prayer in public schools is not dead. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. The Coronavirus: Dr. Andrew Fabich Gives Us the Facts. The display of such items of faith is not imposing that faith on the students, but rather a mere action of the teacher proclaiming his or her beliefs. In 2000, there were over 500 violent offences . I remember when they took God out of the pledge in school and I havent been out of school long but i know better that God works. In the letter he purposed to assuage the fears of the Danbury Christians who mistakenly thought that the federal government was trying to establish a national religion. My thesis is almost done, so I thank all of you who have been praying for me-I will return the favor in kind! Dont fear the unknown celebrate our journey together. Anyone who denies that the removal of God from our public school system is not the cause of the senseless tragedies currently evident is just being willfully blind. Are we so weak minded? Our National Disgrace,and Tragedy that few will talk about..sad..shame..silent I have a petition on line.If you believe that PRAYer.. should be put back into our schools,would you sign my petition? A Jewish prayer? effect on our whole economy . Prayer is still allowed by law. WOW now that is what I call the decline of humanity and the fall of sanity. That is totaly against God's Laws. This is a sad day. The following statistics are from the School Crime and Safety topic area in the Condition of Education system of indicators. You cannot blame the school for bad morals, blame the household in which the students derive from. 6 Violent incidents include serious violent incidents (see footnote 7) as well as physical attacks or fights without a weapon and threat of physical attacks without a weapon. Billy, did Mrs. Smith say what book that verse was from?, Nephi, he said. The children that once sat in those classrooms when these bans went into effect are now sitting in our elected offices, in our schools, and perhaps in Congress. 1) Morals are not taught in school but rather at home. It is not what we say that counts in as much as, it is what we do not say that builds words of truth. After the Overturn of Roe v. Wade: Personhood for All! From July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019, a total of 39 school-associated violent deaths1 occurred in the United States, including students, staff, and other nonstudent school-associated victims. My name is Jen. She is Drop by and see why we built a anti crime / war form in a Health Care Reform Concept. Download Article Then Muslim students would be free to introduce Christian students to their salahs, imagine pagan druid circles taking place in gymnasiums every daywouldnt it be great? Boy, your article is slanted. If we did have time during school when we could pray, I probably would be one of the people who do pray, but I wouldnt push my religion on anyone else. Because of the diversity between different Faiths, it is important to remember that the goal is to bring back only that 10 second moment of silence, of Prayer. Unfortunately, most people would rather have the government or a teacher tell them rather than to study these things for themselves. Since prayer was removed from public school classrooms in 1962, we have had a six-fold increase in violent crime, our divorce rate has tripled, births to single mothers have increased five-fold, the teenage suicide rate has tripled, and SAT scores (standardized college entrance test) have dropped 80 points (approximately 10%). If you want your child to have a religious school with prayer and Bible readings, send them to a private school. Need For Speed is a good example of a good street racer without teaching you whatever word I am looking for that means unmoral things. peter w busch why is it important to serve your family crime rate since prayer was taken out of schools. the pornography capital Only or Fathter knows when Jesus will be return for us. You completely somehow forget about the bashing you did. Terms & Conditions! Violence and Crime at SchoolSchool Reports. First, the Crusades were sponsored by a corrupt church which no longer had a vital connection with the truth, commands, and life of Jesus Chist. I know it is the parents that should be doing this but it should be followed up in school..By having a dress code,(shorts at finger tip length) skirts and dresses just above the knee and no low cut blouses. That was the But students are allowed to meet and pray on school. No need to carbon date or try to use science to disprove this fact. I agree. We have to stand tall for Jesus, otherwise everything might be in vain! They learn in school about evolution and the big bang theory (which is just a theory) but do not have the right to pray or read a Bible if they want. Dont be fooled by What would you do if your child was forced to go to school and pray to allah and various intervals throughout the day? Do not bring personal matters into a public institution. If you want prayer in schools, then you have to be willing to allow even the most radically different of prayers that means also allowing the children to worship the Big Pink Elephant in the Sky, if that is their religion. I dont believe that prayer should be spoken aloud as a rule in Public Schools. YOU ARE IDIOTS. There is no such thing as separation of church and state, and lets show the world that were not going to take this secularization of government any longer! Have you ever heard of a church? If the executives at the Not everyone can and therefore we must tolerate that and accept it, not force it upon others. JESUS IS AWESOME. Being a student in the religion-free public school system, I can tell you first hand that it is not as terrible as you seem to believe it is. the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Since that was removed almost 50 years ago we have been spiralling out of control. who gives a crap if we can or cant pray in schools, im a student in high school and i pray whenever i want even thoe we arent supposed to I dont care they cant stop me and like they would say anything they cant put me in jail for it anyway there is a freedom of speech and i will exercise it to talk with god just because its talking with god doesnt mean it isnt talking. Couldnt you find some other source to support your views? The law does not have to be paragraph after paragraph long like how Atheists like to make their laws as complicated as can be. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. Many, even those that were employed, relayed on their husbands for survival, so even a unhappy wife could not leave her husband. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008. This world is paying and will continue to pay because Gods word is what this world was built on and to try and take it away is very dangerous. Im 17 years old, but I have the heart of a lion, so I will never give up until we have successfully put prayer back into the public school systems! That is the kind of thing that parents are supposed to be teaching their kids not to do. The elected officials in the so called free America did, they took God out of our schools Its time that we take a stand and demand that God be invited back to our schools where he longs to be. Correct me if Im wrong, but doesnt taking prayer out of school allow more time for teachers to be doing their job: /teaching/ students? It seems strange that when a shooting occurs in a school that politicans get on TV and say PLEASE PRAYexcuse me but if we had prayer in school before each day its more than likely such events would not have occuredHELLOThis country just does not get it! Come on Brothers and Sisters in Christ! This country isnt bad because of lack of religion, its bad because of the people living in it. I attended a sports awards banquet last night. greed- would any of this have You will be judged one day,wether you believe that or not.I will keep spreading the word of GOD,and if you don`t like it,well thats OK with me .I`m not even going to feel sorry for you.As you get older and lay on your death bed,I bet you`ll be asking for GODS forgivness,but if he doesn`t,I will not feel sorry for you.It wouldn`t hurt you to at least give a little thought to God and his son. As a student in a public school, I can honestly say Im saddened by the amount of people who diss God and who dont believe. Individual prayer is not banned from schools, but school-sanctioned group prayer is, and for a damn good reason. You take Him in entirety. Christians blaming moral decline on prayer being taken out of school. SOCIETY SIDE NOTE: Turn the pages on when they started schools for their children,. Both decisions ultimately changed the face of American civil society, and in turn, helped usher in the last half-century of the culture wars. eliminate prayer or faith Since prayers have been out of school violent crime and murder has increased 544%. Christians, stop blaming the government and the atheist for taking prayer out of the schools. And one of the reasons for the state this nation is in is because of sin. I am a Behavior Specialist in a public school and the beauty about praying is that we are still free to pray in the schools. Im ready. Featuring many of the finest Reformed thinkers and pastors of our time. 1) You are misinformed about the actual law that was made OR here is the link.. How do you know what youre talking about? Related Tables and Figures:(Listed by Release Date), Other Resources:(Listed by Release Date), Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (, Public School District Finance Peer Search, the table on current marijuana use for all locations in the YRBSS Youth Online Data Analysis Tool,,,,,,, 2022, Digest of Education Statistics 2021, Table 228.10. Open private schools that are free to teach religion, have prayer Bible reading, and let each parent decide where they want to send their child. I wrote an article entitled Put Prayer Back. Im all for letting the people pray, who want to pray Its THEIR choice. The lose of faith is breaking the support beams holding this country together. Hey my partner and I love this info. It did not rule impartially, but rather it ruled against God. Being only 10 years old, she did not understand what she did WRONG. On June 17, 1963, by an 8-1 vote, the United States Supreme Court ruled that school-sponsored Bible reading in public school was unconstitutional. main reasons ? Things dont just happen for no reason; taking prayer out of schools, trying to take the Lords name out of context, making homosexuals acceptable to the American people, and these secular, twisted groups like ACLU and other organizations have a specific goal; to break up our families, because without strong, Christian families and a strong tie to the one who built this nation and was founded upon His name, JESUS CHRIST, America will crumble. No wonder hundreds of earthquakes have popped up in divers places.