Mob HP is ridiculously low since this is a vanilla zone and these levels go by without much attention having to be paid. By this point you should have gear that can hold up and healers who know what's what. I also ding to 57 at this camp in the video including the sweet ding noise and a cringey. I avoid the crystalline horrors as they sap mana like wild. I will add something in about him. . Q: How much better could a Mercenary possibly make leveling? Special mercenaries are unlocked via other means, usually involving an expenditure of real money. I have masochistic friends who swear by it though. A great place to solo for a lot of classes at 105 for AAs. They are kinda tough to pull single, but normally are no more than 2-3 at a time. Two paid accounts gives you a tank and healer you don't every really have to pay attention to. 46-67 Veksar (PoK>Firiona Vie>Lake of Ill Omen>Veksar) - If you're a paladin, you really should consider living here through these levels, as most everything is undead. Talk to Marla Gaslow. I hope this just expands on his already awesome work. Additionally, the mobs in Wall of Slaughter have a larger agro radius than the Plane of Fire mobs which helps. There are 2 nameds plus a named treant you can easily access if no one else is killing them. They come in 2 flavors: Apprentice and Journeyman, each with 5 ranks. The north camp is the three rooms near Muramite Proving Grounds. Crafting Mercenaries costs 100 Coins (Rare), 300 Coins (Epic), or 500 Coins (Legendary). That is how GMs check. If nothing else, have a friendly enchanter give one of their big mana regen buffs to your healer merc. OPTIONS(96-100): To me at this point, there is no best place to go. Fourth, never underestimate buffs. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. All the living creatures run, so you might be in trouble without a root or snare. When you come back Re-summon him and he will be your level again. Very easy to set up a spot and pull away on the gorillas and birds. The big marquee nameds are almost always camped and killed on a timer, so you probably wont see Maestro or Innoruk up. At 70 though, it starts to seriously lose it's luster. Another semi decent camp would be the Gorgons in the top left of the zone. Also you don't have to worry about paying them until around level 12. The temple is a pretty decent camp spot if you have to sit somewhere, though the wall of fire that obscures you view kinda sucks, and you can pull to a wall as well without much difficulty. Any of the weapon and armor loot from nameds will sell for 300-400 plat. You might not even need to spend 10 dollars, since DBG gives you 500 Daybreak Cash a month. They respawn pretty quick and are higher level than most of the zone, so better exp longer. As pay to play, you really don't break for AAs, just turn on autogrant and there you go. I would recommend this place only if you have a group of actual people. By the time you reach 110 you should be able to clear all of those with a good group by the time the first one is available. 85% of the zone is undead. If you need to learn more about your class, see our Class Guides for builds and info. Start in the tunnels and then work your way through the area around the ghoul assassin. There is a big open courtyard almost as soon as you zone in. Most of those pulls will be a pair of light blue conscript mobs. The only issue there is you need to be capable of farming Remnants of Tranquility from TBM missions and HAs. It's a very good zone with lots of low HP mobs, but it is definitely the best for Clerics and Paladins. We have updated our Privacy Policy. 2.1 General Commands 2.2 Chat Commands 2.3 Spell-related Commands 2.4 Emotes 2.5 Guild and Fellowship Commands 2.6 Pet Commands 2.7 Group, Raid and Task Commands 2.8 Leadership AA Commands 2.9 Window Toggle Commands 2.10 Bard Song Commands 2.11 Tracking Commands 2.12 Warrior Commands 2.13 Mercenary Commands This should be a priority. There are better places to go. It covers a lot of the basics you need to know. There a couple of hallway corners that are mostly safe as well, but you have to kill to them and that can be dangerous. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85 This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. If you took my advice and are at least two boxing, go inside the cave. Just be careful as sometimes this zone is level boosted for Hardcore Heritage. You can pull the first floor starting about level 20 and move into the second floor about 24. Mercenary Leveling and Equipment While mercenaries are quite adept at walloping the occasional moss snake, even the most adroit sell-sword can be taught a thing or two by an experienced adventurer. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. Lots of mobs to kill here. ALTERNATIVES: Hills of Shade(78-85)(PoK>Steamfont Mnts>Loping Plains>Hills of Shade) - This place is heaven for paladins and might be faster for them than Ashengate. For everyone else, exp kinda tapers off around 82. Bastion of Thunder (62-68)(PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Torden, Bastion of Thunder) - The giants and bees of Thunder are excellent exp. You can do 2 pathings in this patch (13.1B): 28-35 Kaesora(PoK>Field of Bones>Kaesora) - I think this is a pretty great zone to get a few levels in. Fifth, Daybreak gives you an option to accept some 25% experience potions instead of your monthly 500 Cash. This zone is sometimes a hotzone. Welcome to EverQuest! Murder the Rallosians, crystal golems, and frogs. Lots of nameds spawn here, so be careful if you don't have a good group or a good box team. The Droga area is super nice for rangers as the goblins are headshotable. If you have that key from earlier or a rogue to pick the lock, go inside that building. Healers have a chance of actually rezzing you! These are also really nice for Rangers to headshot since they are rootable and don't summon. Q: Do I have to have the plat on me to pay the merc? A FABLED VERSION OF THE NAMED WILL EVENTUALLY APPEAR AND ROFLSTOMP YOU SINCE HE WILL BE AROUND LEVEL 75. When your Mercenary dies the button will change to Revive. When you suspend your mercenary the button will change to Unsuspend. They are undead and you will reap them with Slay Undead/Ward Undead line spells. They are all undead. Cooling Chamber does have a lot of undead in it for Paladins and Clerics. With a group of three actual players though, you can steamroll this place for GOBS of experience. Stay close to the friendly dragorn and watch out for nameds until 85. Pathing will get you killed. DO NOT USE FOLLOW HERE. It takes a little while to become familiar with the layout and the mission but the mobs are reasonably densely packed and don't run. Playing live has a few benefits. See the New Player FAQ for more detailed information. When first starting out a healer merc may seem logical, well it's not. BEST (68-78): Dragonscale Hills (68-78)(PoK>Steamfont Mountains>Dragonscale Hills) - SEE NOTE ON MERCENARIES BELOW FOR WAYS TO BOOST THEIR EFFECTIVENESS A LITTLE. Your Mercenary can come in two skill levels Skill Levels Apprentice - on par with single group geared players, on spells and abilities that have a rank, it will have rank 1. If you're having trouble making your mercenary level with you suspend him and go AFK for a few minutes. All the gear that levels up with you from 75 to 105 makes life hugely easier. You will begin seeing worgs, go south down the coastline and look for some elves and humans. The final camp here I am aware of is back inside the castle area on the way to the back of the zone. 54-60 Plane of Nightmare (PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Plane of Nightmare) - Things hit very hard here. You can box here, but the zone isn't very conducive to it. There is a quest with the platinum efreeti armor which eventually nets you a Illusion:Specter item that is sick. That area is considered Tier 1 for the expansion. There are only a small handful of places where you have to fight more than one mob if you don't want to. Chat Combat Corpse/Looting General Graphics Group Guild Pet Raid Sound Spell Task Track References What commands do you wish you knew a long time ago? I normally always see people using SKs with mage DS in like fortress mech to do the same thing. You can come here a little earlier if you want, but ensure you have some form of crowd control handy. You can pull 3-4 at a time easily and pretty quickly kill them all, moving out toward the docked ships to get higher level guys. Slaughter everything you get your hands on that isn't a friendly dragorn. I'M NOT QUITE READY FOR EOK/ROS (100-105) - This is very much dependent on gear and group. For a quick fix, try switching to a different email address and verifying that (you can switch your email back afterwords.) When you first zone in, the closest mobs are farmers and tired farmers. Thank you! Each Stance has different focuses and allow the mercs to be more or less reactive. There are some guides if you wanted to bot it but in general this community does not promote AFK anything. Since I'm max level/AA, I guess I have only one reason I would afk XP to earn Merc AAs. Kill them all. Only thing that sucks is most of the mobs do AoE damage. You can push to 86-87 here by going into the west corridors, but the exp falls off a cliff at 83. The gear isn't great but you will be earning so many Marks that you will be able to outfit yourself completely very very easily every 5 levels. Made a handful of edits as of 1/13/2017. In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. It's by far the fastest and is almost as easy as the Gribble missions. Confidence is how many mobs you can pull above your level and the mercs without him running away. This zone is a lot better when you factor those in. The zone is very well spaced. Make me want to fire up the game again! The idea to help in grinding to where the other players are (level-wise) is to add two additional accounts and create a 3 box team. It's also a hot zone and that makes it really worth it. But if you just absolutely HAVE to go somewhere else, here are some suggestions. In addition, they are packed together. Note: This guide is based primarily on the Hot Zone Wall of Slaughter. Depending on how fast you're going this place is wonderful to 38, but tapers off to just decent after that IMO. The merc will cast a rez (When out of combat) to anyone in your group who is dead. To top it all off, it's also a hot zone!! It doesnt matter if you have no interest in playing the new characters when they reach the high end game. Passive: Your merc will not attack or heal anything. That said, the HAs are the only thing that scale. Make sure you clear both the left and right sides of the first courtyard. Find Tyrinam and take the Reducing the Threat - Worgs quest. Stay at the entrance until you get to 80, then you can push into the north pathway. Posts: 1,338. True - but depending on the area / level / buffs needed you can set up for AFK and go out to work for the day - then come home and spend your time grinding. It'll give an Undead oriented hunting guide. Should be an easy time though. This amounts to tens of thousands of AA's. These Mercenaries are much more weak than a Journeyman Mercenary however I guess one plus is they cost a lot less every 15 minutes! End of Underfoot (Volska's/Convorteum)(88-92) - You can level here if you feel like pulling your toenails out, but I don't recommend it. Too many HP, pain in the ass abilities. What that means is he just won't do anything. So now if you and a friend want to do an LDoN you'll have a group of 4 and will have no need to find a 3rd for the LDoN. I will lay out a few spots to hit in this range. Chelsith Reborn (98-102)(Guild Hall>Buy Shadowed Sand of the Twilight Sea>TP to Twilight Sea>The Scarlet Desert>The Grey>Chelsith Reborn or Once you do attunement quest from Shard's Landing, Guild Hall>TP to Shard's Landing>Portal to Chelsith Reborn) - I had never tried this place until recently, and I think it's awesome. ). Yet, player groups are hard to come by in the 60 to 80 level range. The money here is ridiculous. The north and east you can at least run out if you botch a pull. One thing you can't beat is the money though. The mobs have too many HP, hit too hard, and don't give up enough exp. You get to experience every bit of content across 110 levels, hundreds of zones, and 24 expansions. But the real advantage is when you want to grind out AAs while also leveling from 65 to 80. You will decimate all. 48-55 kill the mutant floaty guys, shades and crazy humans. ALTERNATIVES: Arcstone(67-75)(Guild Hall, talk to portal crystal vendor and buy Arcstone Spirit Sapphire) - I really recommend this place to people with Undead control or slaying abilities. Sul Vius, Demiplane of Life - Inside Demiplane of Life, if you head down into the bottom right corner is an area filled with crypts. SOME DISCLAIMERS: First I want to point out that Almar's Guides are pretty good and he lays out a pretty fantastic path to getting to max level and getting geared along with plenty of other advice. This guide is a solution to that problem. There is also Defiant armor sets which give you incredible stats over a range of levels and are incredibly useful from 1-70. Loot isn't spectacular but with a decent group, you will shred mobs and the exp will flow like water. A lot of factors can go into a group or solo play. Same goes for a male Mercenary Liaison. All EverQuest servers, and all website pages and services, will be taken offline for scheduled extended maintenance and game updates on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. PST*. EQNext (EverQuest Next or EQN) has been officially announced! At 40 move into the second courtyard area and keep clearing northward. Head through the city in the mountain area toward Blightfire Moors. Click here for more information. You will be murdering said spiders and slimes and other animals. The South Camp is the starting point. The Dead Hills Gribble HA's have been removed from rotation, though they are still the easiest and most reliable way to get through the levels. The difficulty comes in finding a safe spot to set up camp, thanks to terrible pathing and wandering mobs. Go left from the giant hole in the ground after zone in until you get to a pond. This guide has been updated in 2022 and is up to date with Visions of Vetrovia and the new 125 level cap! A NOTE ON MERCENARIES AT 85: At 85, to assist players utilizing a Heroic Character (a character which is automatically leveled to 85 for you and given subpar but serviceable gear, a mount, and other goodies. BEST: 28-(35-45) Lower Guk (PoK>Innothule Swamp>Upper Guk>Lower Guk) - Head down to the dead side. A zone you are having a lot of trouble with can be made WAYYY easier if you get a full set of buffs. I prefer to stay out of the fields if at all possible. Any commentary is welcome. 13-28 Estate of Unrest (PoK>Butcherblock Mountains>Dagnor's Cauldron>Unrest) - This is a good place for undead killers, but in my opinion the run out to it is too far and the exp is better in Blightfire. ALTERNATIVES: Argath (88-92)(Guild Hall>Buy Chunk of Argathian Steel>TP to Argath, Bastion of Illdaera) - I only put this here because it is a hotzone and because of that, isn't bad. He will very likely murder you if you do. Any necro will out dps a merc by a factor of 2 at least and up to a factor of 6 or 7. If you're looking for the old information that used to be on this page you'll find those guides along with all my other EQ content here. Also the mercenary will cost the same amount he would to the level that you shrouded to. So finding a camp could be tough depending on your chosen servers population and the hour of day. Gaesigs and Heligs on the water side come to mind on this. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. The number of mobs for straight grinding is also really impressive. A player could easily gain the same amount of XP they got from 2 or 3 hours of AFK'ing pet/merc XP exploting if they spent 10 good minutes at the keyboard. They hit a lot harder and have a lot of HP, so if you have trouble go back to spiders and other critters until 76-77. You essentially get all the levels while doing things you would do anyway. This area is great if you're a paladin as you can slay the undead and stun out the worst of the damage from the Erudite necromancers. You can get yourself a mercenary for free to help in your leveling. ALTERNATIVES: 30-35 Goru'Kar Mesa (PoK>Blightfire Moors>Goru'Kar) - Almar used to suggest this place as a prime place to level. Not very fast, but not very hard either. Korascian Warrens(82-87)(PoK>Talk to Herald of Druzzil Ro to TP to Plane of Time>Walk around the pillar and click on glowy portal to The Void>Toskirakk>Korascian Warrens) - I used to enjoy leveling here quite a bit. Healer mercs also have a few extra perks, what I mean by this is rezzing and buffing! The Simple and Rough sets will leave you well off. This is the only stance a Rogue merc will attack on. WHY PLAY LIVE? After Blightfire, I am assuming you start in Plane of Knowledge. 967 views Jan 8, 2022 26 Dislike Sinnycool 5.75K. So I will fix that. Ah yes. Inside the city, the Alarans come in groups of two or three or solo. Most of these zones are hotzones and no matter which set of zones is up at the time, one of them will be a hot zone. Some players are reporting trouble verifying their email address. They aren't that hard and only require a group to do, below is a table of the lines you have to complete and the mercenary tier they unlock. Pathings. Kill dragons and drakkin on the north path until 81-82, then shift to the east path. Spend 48-52 in the area around where you zone in and the northern areas of the zone. I just want it known that this is an imperfect guide, just like every guide. Lower HP, but hit hard. There are also a ton of really good twink weapons to be had here, which can sell for tons of plat depending on what server you're on. Some of the Shissar are undead, but most aren't and they have high HP and hit hard to boot. Rengar is an aggressive early jungler, with really good skirmish potential during early game, so you want to get as many opportunities to take over the game in the first 10 minutes of the game. Can I keep him when I shroud? Start killing everything around the front of the zone. Once you have some level 30 Mercenaries, you will want to level your future Mercenaries while grinding through tasks. Stay near the zone lines until 85, then push out. PL ALTERNATIVE: 'Hatching a Plan' mission next to PoK standalone bank. Will continue editing as I play through on different characters. There is another soldier camp down here in the dead center south of the zone, by the Sarith zoneline. The center of the zone is all undead. Fun times. Go through a little valley into the south side of the zone though and it becomes Tier 2. Everything is pretty spread out and it's dead simple to pull singles or just wander and kill. It slows down a lot after 46 but is worth sticking out. At level 5 it gets its second ability, with third obtained at level 15. This is the furthest zone you can get to without progression unless they've removed requirements. A: No. BEST (78-83): Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale (PoK>Blightfire>Goru'Kar>Sunderock Springs>Direwind Cliffs>Ashengate) - I want to make it clear that the run out here is nuts. Everquest AFK Leveling Missions. With a group you can pull them pretty easily and have access to a HUGE number of mobs. Second I want to point out that while boxing isn't a must, and subbing isn't a must, it makes this game exponentially easier. At 14 you can head out to Blightfire Moors or head to the northernmost part of the zone and kill Nokk skeletons and zombies until 17-18. At 35, push into the area around frenzied ghoul and up toward Ghoul Lord. Split or tank em, however your group is set up. Mercenaries are the answer to Everquests "grind" and Must-Group to level. Some are also scattered amongst the buildings, just use "Find" to locate them. 1; 2; Next. He made a name for himself with his amazing storytelling and music all featured in his videos of his train-hopping travels across North America.