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Eri,Thank you so much for your very nice note. The edge view of this tile showing the rather homogeneous makeup of the tile except for its colored face means this is most-likely an asphalt-based tile. Nikita Kruschev banging his shoe on the table at the United Nations, shouting "We will bury you", the Cuban Missle crisis nor the Kennedy Assassination did not deter the production of the wide variety of vinyl-asbestos flooring products described below for 1962. Slosberg, David K., Julian G. Clement, and Jr Walter Mutchler. in the list of photo guides found at CONTINUE READING below. We have seen that floor tile before, Tammy, identifed by a reader as a 1973 "Pebble Peoples" floor tile, treated as presumed to contain asbestos, On 2018-03-10 Can you identify the tile I have and if it has asbestos in it? The lab found. One suggests we test the material. I recommend the procedures you'll find at - US EPA Asbestos in Tile Flooring. Prior to regulation that banned their use, many flooring companies produced tiles that contained high concentrations of asbestos. Our opinion includes the consideration that while foremost it is important to avoid creating an asbestos hazard by improper handling, and while it is usually reasonable to cover over asbestos floor tiles with a new layer of flooring, it is also important that you proceed properly, with local expert advice, so as to avoid creating inappropriate fear on the part of other users of the building. We have not seen this exact tile pattern before, but from our records it looks a bit like some of the Kentile flooring. When you're looking at a 1960s council house, look out for potential issues such as: Vinyl floor tiles or bitumen to floors, particularly in ground floor rooms where there is a concrete floor . Also we don't know if the lab is looking only for characteristic and comparatively large asbestos fibers or if the procedure also detects shorts or fines of asbestos widely used as filler in asphalt-asbestos and vinyl-asbestos floor tile. In a Tri-level home on the ground floor. Thanks for asking, Quora User! U.S. Patent 2,914,807, issued December 1, 1959. Some forms of linoleum. 8/21/2013, The photos are a bit blurry (I did some sharpening in our lab) - so I'm not sure if we can match to an existing file photo or not. You may also have to pay a hazardous waste disposal fee, which ranges from $35 to $75 or more, depending on the facility. at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE ID REQUESTS 1960's. On 2017-03-17 by (mod) - Kentiles made during the end of the company's life, in . CENTENNIAL style Rhapsody green 815 shown above, LIGHT CORK 840 from 1963, also see MEDIUM CORK from 1965 and DARK CORK from 1962, HAMPTON BLACK 1106 vinyl asbestos flooring images from 1963, METALLIC - (see 1960-1962 photo examples), STANDARD straight grain floor tiles - (shown ECRU 767), STYLETONE floor tiles - shown GLACIER 838, above, Feature Strips- (see 1956 examples of solid color feature strips). Colors: KASHA TAUPE 769, and quite widely popular. @Maria, Much appreciated. See the patent citation and below. Be Lurking in Your Home. Hello! It is very common to find multiple layers of asbestos floor tiles as they may have been added over time. If the floor is in poor condition or must be removed then see the asbestos floor removal and asbestos hazard reduction articles found in the ARTICLE INDEX at the end of any of these pages. C-2992, Mankato Tile Terrazzo Co. v. United Paint Mfg. Besides insulation, floor tiles were some of the most popular asbestos-containing materials manufactured a few decades ago. According to everything I've read containment is the best way to go. Assigned to Occidential Chemical Corporation, Application filed by Hooker Chemical Co. Ikeda, Hitachi, and Tsuguo Kobayashi. Does vinyl get rigid? house was built in 1973. please email me at if u can identify, Great website you have, it's been a good resource for me. @Alicia Barnett, I'd like to see a photo of the back of the tile and to know its dimension and thickness. In my opinion, the chances are the quantity of asbestos removed and airborne from your kids dancing an Irish jig on the floor was below the ability to detect, especially considering that the tiles were most likely coated with floor wax. [25] L.R. Textiles can be found in fuse boxes behind the. Would it best to just put a floating floor over it? greatly appreciated. "54 UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN.". And as you and your husband may know and certainly as your doctors will know, there are other exposures that are, unlike asbestos, cited as causal or exacerbating Parkinson's, for example;: On 2021-01-19 by Jane Fallek - husband has been laying floors since 1960 now has Parkinson's Disease. I hate to admit this but it took me a while for it to hit me that the tiles were probably asbestos. That might give you an idea of whether or not the discovered dust Reservoir was making itself known in other building areas. This morning, before I continued cutting, it dawned on me that it might contain asbestos. Youll pay $3 to $5 per asbestos disposal bag, which is recommended for safe disposal. The new 1955 pattern was a change from the swirl graining pattern used in 1954. Above: Sample 06 New York floor tile examined by PLM. Readers can use our page bottom COMMENT BOXto submit photos of flooring to get help in identifying floor tiles or sheet flooring that might contain asbestos. It would help us research this floor design if you could tell us the country, city, state or province where the floor is installed. My husband has been laying floors since 1960. Your photos (above) look like vinyl-asbestos floor tiles in the cork pattern.Actual cork floor tiles would be unmistakable as those would be actual cork material. the seller will not allow me to test them, Assuming if they were positive I'd d then they would need to disclose that or issue a credit. The last one specifically refers to a process that used asbestos - supporting my caveat. Jane, Do you think these vinyl tiles have asbestos? "Pleural effusion during bromocriptine exposure in two patients with pre-existing asbestos pleural plaques: a relationship?." In homes built prior to 1975, asbestos is most commonly found as thermal insulation on basement boilers and pipes. Photo ID guide to reader-submitted 1970's Asbestos-Containing floor tiles: This article provides photographs of 1970's floor tiles & flooring identification requests to help identify flooring that contains asbestos. [We do not know the company history nor whether there is an association with EverWear vinyl asbestos floor tiles discussed in this article. Thank you for the quick response. It's unmistakably a wood-product material even without microscopic examination. Photo ID guide to 1960's Asbestos-Containing floor tiles: This article provides flooring identification requests and represeentative photographs of 1960's floor tiles to help identify flooring that contains asbestos. If, which I now doubt, you were asking about mosaic flooring, That would be ceramic floor tile laid in a pattern, often to form an image. I saw part of the word "strong" so I believe itArmstrong, Covering asbestos suspect flooring is the safest and most-recommended procedure, Nikki.Also seeASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION. Okay, that makes sense. Terrazzo flooring can also be poured in place but then we'd not see those joints. I really did not even know if it is vinyl or other material, I can not distinguish. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos. I have a baby is 9 month old crawling around the house. It is also the same base linoleum in the bathroom. Your site is different than any I've seen. for a more-complete understanding of the same question and our answer that you'll find there. We have some asbestos floor tiles in our basement from the 1950s that I am trying to identify. Continue readingat ARMSTRONG FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS 1970-1972 or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. STANDARD Excelon floor tiles, example colors: OSAGE GREEN, also see this lab sample fragment of vinyl-asbestos floor tile tentatively identified. Or see ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION FAQs 1960-1969 - questions & answers & ID photos of 1960's era flooring suspected of containing asbestos, posted originally on this page. EXCELON CORKSTYLE was sold in all three: Light, Medium, Dark shades - Colors: and be sure to also read ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE ID REQUESTS 1960's at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. Testing would take weeks to find out. Sanding, sawing, drilling, or tearing the tiles out, however, can release fibers into the air where they can be inhaled, so caution should be taken to not disturb them. These tiles also include metallic accents, metallic highlights in gold, silver or bronze dispersed through the pattern. Thanks, Take a look at the spatter pattern Kentiles and Armstrong flooring before 1975. January 2011. It is necessary to know the flooring product model number or collection name of a tile in question, or to submit a sample to an asbestos test laboratory to make a final determination. - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos. At least in your photo I don't see extensive breaking up of the floor tiles. DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? Clean up any remaining bits of adhesive by scraping them off the subfloor while keeping the floor wet, and then scooping them up and putting them in a disposal bag. Edward, Stanley Robbins. Its easier to lay asbestos floor tiles onto another layer of asbestos floor tiles than to remove the old ones first. October 2010. If you have tried looking through our example flooring photos by year or flooring manufacturer and were unable to identify your flooring then feel free to CONTACT US to send along photos and a description (age, dimensions, building history) of flooring that you are unable to identify, Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos I like that flooring too. Since asbestos is known for its heat-resistant properties and durability . For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. I don't know where I would trust answers as much as I do from this site. they are damaged and breaking peeling apart. by Inspectapedia Com Moderator. DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? 1 (2013): 1-11. With the photo and years guide, you'll know which sheet floors have these chemicals. We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. Colors: STYLETONE floor tiles 1961, shown aboveColors: WOODTONE vinyl asbestos flooring images from 1961 as shown above Pittsburgh, PA 15227, What I know is that tiles are thick (about 3 cm), with a thin layer of material seen (a few I have not seen this specific pattern of flooring and the packaging photo you included did not mention asbestos - not all does even when the flooring contains that material. Scientific reports 3, no. The white substance in your 2nd photo looks like tile mastic adhesive. />. CONTACT us if you can identify with certainty this floor tile image and brand. Above: asbestos suspect sheet flooring from the 1960s, from reader Kat. On 2022-06-03 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - white tile mastic adhesive, @Jacob Hood, These tiles are mostly stuck on concrete screeds with bitumenous adhesive. Asbestos Floor Tiles And Containing Sheet Flooring Vintec. The tile looks good but removing the tack strips will obviously disrupt it. Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos Thanks to its great mechanical properties and fire-resistance, asbestos was added to a wide variety of materials, vinyl and linoleum included. materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. and here is a closer look at this floor tile sample pattern under our stereo microscope. Colors: SPATTER style floor tiles shown above, sold in these Vinyl floor tiles and covering and asbestos. See US Patent No. Apologies for the delay. This 3"x3" "EXCELON" tile sample is from a boxed set made by Armstrong, dated August 1964; the pattern is called: "Andover White". Wisconsin home built in 58. We pulled off some nasty tan brown tiles to find this beautiful turquoise broken glass looking tile. Home built 1968. Sorry. It pulls apart like its paper is only about 1/16 of an inch thick. I'm amazed by all the information you have and put up. Another person suggested that even if we get estimates from different companies we probably won't be able to trust them. Thanks to reader Aaron Cramer for contributing photographs of Sears Roebuck vinyl asbestos floor tiles, August 2010. Above: photos of mastic removed from the back of our tile sample No. That looks like a vinyl floor tile in a wood grain pattern, though from just your photo I'm unsure. ThaneI would treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos, based on your notes on home age and floor appearance.At DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS?I pose 5 simple questions that you can try to answer to make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor in your photo contains asbestos. Please advise. Our photo above, for comparison, shows the cross-section of an actual true-cork floor tile. When we moved in, there was carpet covering all floors except the kitchen. Asbestos has been used in vinyl wallpaper since the 1920s, and vinyl floor tiles and sheet flooring rose to prominence in the 1950s. It depends in part on what kind of flooring you are installing. I started to peel away at it before I thought to check if it could contain asbestos. A single 15-gallon poly-bag, designed for asbestos disposal, will hold approximately 20 square feet of demolished floor tile and associated debris. About your metaphysical question of why it was installed, having not a shred of contextual information about your building any reply I might infer would be baseless speculation. The flooring is pattern I have seen posted by several readers, one referring to it as "Pebble Peoples Floor Tile". If you do not know the brand name of your flooringyou can take a quick look at example photos of the product line of each manufacturer given Theres no sheen. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they lodge in the lungs and do not break down, which can lead to illness. INDEX TO ASBESTOS FLOORING The house was built in 1960. Anyone else have that problem from asbestos? Replace it with a new mop head and rinse out the mop bucket thoroughly. Someday we will put down new vinyl throughout. Working together and exchanging information makes us better informed than any individual can be working alone. The safest and least costly approach is to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it with new material. Wear a respirator mask, goggles that form a seal around your eyes, a hat, and old clothing you will dispose of when the job is done. for asbestos materials testing. If the tiles were installed between 1960 and 1980, there's a slight chance they contain asbestos. Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. My new plan is to replace the tiles I've already taken up with new tile, then put a floating wood floor over the top. You can either engage an asbestos remediation expert or obtain a test kitfor which youll remove a flooring sample to mail to an asbestos-testing lab. I've been telling my whole family about this site and will just echo it elsewhere. 775) 423-6221. That gray color with cracking is characteristic of an asphalt-based floor covering rather than a vinyl one. Above: a 1949 Linoleum floral pattern rug from reader Robinson. The asphalt-impregnated felt backer on some linoleum rugs like this contains asbestos. Baths are small, so I used peel and stick tiles to update. Aside from that, some homeowners simply arent comfortable having asbestos tiles remain even if they poseno health risk. Below: Flooring sample #04 under polarized light in a PLM microscope. CENTENNIAL vinyl asbestos floor tile images from 1965 (above left), and DARK CORK same as this example from 1962, SPATTER (see 1956-1960 & 1964 photo examples). I can see tile pictures and tile information about asbestos. But if your house was built between 1960 and 1980, there are fewer chances that your flooring has asbestos installed. 12 (1997): 2711-2715. Identifying And Treating Asbestos Tiles In The Home. Often tiles were of 9"x9" size (pre-1960) and 12"x12" (post-1960) and typically produced in dark colors (black & dark gray) as asphalt was the main binder. However if such flooring installed in North America before the early 1980's is in very poor condition or if it must be demolished as part of building renovations, it should be treated as presumed to contain asbestos and handled accordingly. at FLOORING MATERIALS, Age, Types and also, Take a look at ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION and alsosee MASTIC, CUTBACK ADHESIVE, FLASHING CEMENT ASBESTOS. New vinyl, laminate flooring, hardwood, engineered floating flooring, and carpeting can all be successfully installed over asbestos tiles. One or two broken floor tiles in my experience is not going to produce even a measurable level of Airborne asbestos but as the floor continues to deteriorate and in particular if it's breaking up in normal use then it does need to be addressed. DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? Original linoleum products were made using linseed oil as an ingredient, often with a jute (burlap or fabric) backing. She thinks the 'fear' is way overblown. 1960-1969 ARMSTRONG EXCELON FLOOR TILE GUIDE at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. SENECA WHITE 770 standard straight grain Armstrong floor tile, shown above. As you may have seen, you can often find a match in the ID-library of asbestos flooring beginning This Q&A appeared originally at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE ID REQUESTS 1970's-2, On 2018-03-10 by please help asap, I need help to identify these [pebble people floor tiles shown above] as seller refuses to let me test them and denies knowledge of asbestos. Also should we put something over the tiles to encapsulate before we lay the flooring? My first question was, what the heck is it? Asphalt asbestos tiles were used from the 1920s - 1960s. METALLIC style flooring tiles shown above Vinyl is durable, so asbestos-containing vinyl tiles and floor coverings are likely to still be in many Australian homes built prior 1990. Photo above: a gray, green, and light tan asphalt-asbestos floor tile installed in a northern Minnesota home in 1962. We ask readers to let us know if you test the flooring and what you learn (a single asbestos test is not expensive, about $50. for the photo and test information documenting chrysotile asbestos in a vinyl-asbestos floor tile from a 1969 home. First time home buyer. Note: appearance of your Comment below may be delayed: if your comment contains an image, photograph, web link, or text that looks to the software as if it might be a web link, your posting will appear after it has been approved by a moderator.
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